Had a blast talking with actor and co-founder of Wall&Bickham Entertainment who produces Indie films like Enterfear now streaming on Prime. Hunter along with Direct Tim Wall have WGUD Tv, Fearflix and Faithflix on Roku. Check out all their channels and subscribe! Hunter was really cool and talked about the roku channels and the movie he was in called Enterfear. Please share this episode with friend and family.
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email: mailto:zhills411@gmail.com
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Contact Hunter Bickham:
Facebook (FearFlix): https://www.facebook.com/FEARFLIXMOVIES
Facebook (FaithFlix): https://www.facebook.com/FAITHFLIXMOVIES
Facebook (WGUD Tv): https://www.facebook.com/WGUDTelevision
WGUD Tv Home: https://www.wgud-tv.com/
Facebook Wall&Bickham Entertainment: https://www.facebook.com/WALLANDBICKHAM