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April 4, 2021

Dick Dyszel Interview (Count Gore De Vol, Bozo the Clown, Captain 20)

Dick Dyszel Interview (Count Gore De Vol, Bozo the Clown, Captain 20)

Had an interesting interview with Dick Dyszel who at one time in his career was Bozo the Clown in the DC market area.  Dick was also Captain 20.  Dick created the Horror Character Count Gore De Vol and still plays that character today.  He is an experienced actor and knows his craft.  You will love his story of how he accomplished this amazing career.  Thanks for listening and please share.

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To Contact Dick Dyszel
website: http://www.dickdyszel.com/
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0246055/
Count Gore website: http://www.countgore.com/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/GoreDeVol
Twitter Count Gore: https://twitter.com/CountGore
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/countgoredevol/

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